
Leonardo da Vinci


The Vitruvian Man represents the maximum expression of the harmony of human proportions.

The exquisite dovetailing of two differently colored backgrounds interprets the perfect synthesis of the union between the immortal past and a balanced present.

Officina Grafica is that type of creative agency that you’d love to find because it’s flexible, effective and of the highest caliber. Our collaboration has built up in recent months as we realized how updating certain labels or creating brands with their help allowed us to reposition names and brands at a clearly superior label in the eyes of consumers. Classic and modern creativity, knowledge of materials, observance of design deadlines and costs in line with the quality of the work: these characteristics have made Officina Grafica a partner of primary importance for the development of our business, in Italy and internationally.

Benedetto Marescotti

Direttore Marketing Caviro


Label specs


Avery Dennison Rustique Blanc

Print type

Offset, hot foil, debossing, braille


MCC Labels